Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #151: From large to small

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For Patty’s Lens-Artists Photo a Week Challenge I choose different colors of water: white, orange, royal and turquoise blue, teal and cristal clear.

From the huge water masses of the Falls of Iguacu (Argentina) to a sea bay, a lake, a lagoon, a stream, fountains and the trickle of a small well in Germany:

2 Halong Hanoi (48)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres alt-Attribut; sein Dateiname ist bariloche-46.jpg.
torres del paine (116)
Chalten (104)
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres alt-Attribut; sein Dateiname ist schlossrunde-schleissheim-17.jpg.

Always looking forward to your feedback.

11 Kommentare zu „Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #151: From large to small

  1. Thank you 😊. . The Iguacu Falls are really impressive. On the picture you see just one of the many falls, although one of the biggest 😀.
    The sunset photo was taken on a cruise in Halong Bay, Vietnam.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Simply Wow.. those Falls are really huge, the sound must be roaring thunder.
    I love your approach in this challenge. These bodies of water were captured successfully and you can see their density and power in every photos.
    Well done.
    my favourite was the sunset photo…it´s amazing.

    Gefällt 1 Person

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